0333 1100045 [email protected]


South Downs Monuments Survey

There are 575 scheduled monuments in the South Downs National Park - ranging from Bronze Age barrows to the ruins of country houses. Many are vulnerable to damage and decline, often caused by a lack of awareness of monuments’ legal protection.

We are working for a project team of the South Downs National Park Authority, the National Trust and Historic England on a volunteer-based project to:

  • Provide guidance on monitoring and recording scheduled monuments
  • Develop a recording format and terminology that are accurate and comprehensive which can be used by people of all levels of interest and knowledge
  • Create fully accessible ‘how to’ training aids
  • Ensure that the information collected is fully accessible to heritage organisations and individuals, and can easily be kept up to date
  • Develop a robust method that can be used by organisations and individuals beyond the South Downs.

This page will be revised weekly as the project progresses. If you have any queries or information that you would like to pass on please do not hesitate to email [email protected]


View across the scarp at Devil's Dyke, West Sussex